An iPad displaying a the Groups app with a created group present. An iPhone is next to the iPad displaying the “Pick Student” screen with a student picked.


Effortlessly organize your students into teams.

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Advanced Team Building

Have certain students who don’t work well together? Simply list these pairs in the app and Groups will handle the rest, with its advanced team-building algorithm.
A screenshot of the new student screen, with options including “Gender” and ”Avoided Peers”.A frame of a phone.The status bar of a phone.

Balance Genders

Ensure each group has an even distribution of genders with the ”Balance Genders” feature, promoting diversity and encouraging collaboration.
A screenshot of the create groups screen, with options including “Method” (size vs count), “Group Size”, “Evenly Distribute Genders”, and “Avoid Groups of One”.A frame of a phone.The status bar of a phone.

Edit Groups

Need to fine tune the generated groups? Easily rearrange the result to achieve a perfect team composition.
A list of groups, with a member of a group being rearranged.A frame of a phone.The status bar of a phone.

Random Student Picker

Encourage equal participation in the classroom with Groups’ random student picker. This makes sure everyone gets a chance to provide input, ensuring all voices are heard.
A screenshot of a screen with a “Reset” and “Next” button. The student “Isabelle” is highlighted.A frame of a phone.The status bar of a phone.

Unlimited Classes

Enter all your students once, and then create as many groups as you need. You can even add an icon and color to each class to easily tell them apart.
A list of classes, all in different colors and with different symbols.A frame of a phone.The status bar of a phone.
Groups has helped tens of thousands of teachers sort their students into teams, fostering more positive learning environments for students worldwide.
Download on the App Store